Rinz Geographic Location in Parallax | World Anvil
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Terran Systems had high hopes for the Rinz system when first explored, with the hopes systems like Palladia and the rest of the Triptych would prove common. A beneficiary - and eventual victim - of these high expectations, many resources were put into Rinz, and the planet Rinz 2 was soon being terraformed, settled, and marketed as the first true “Edge World.”  

People & Culture

Rinzian Bubble colonies have gradually been adapted to higher and higher temperatures, one degree per year, until the domes themselves matched the temperature of the world outside. This means there is no discernible difference between Bubble Colonists and Terrans living on the surface. Most computer equipment shipped to Rinz is insured to survive up to 50 feet of depth, and in some cases, even plugged in and used underwater, just in case.   Rinzians in Bubble Colonies tend to be scientists primarily, as those who arrived as settlers needed only leave the colony and stake claim to land to their liking. As most colonists are Citizens of Terran Systems anyway, and thus, their property often belongs to the corp, Systems encouraged settling as far from the Bubble Colony as Rinzians felt comfortable.  


On occasion, the atmospheric condensers will become targets for Reds protesting the terraforming process, although the condensers are so relatively cheap and durable, it is simpler to simply build and implement a new one than provide security for those that exist, making their destruction a purely symbolic protest.  


Unlike most planets chosen for terraforming, Rinz 2 was too hot rather than too cold, a volcanic and irradiated world. A series of mobile heat shields were put into place between the star Rinz and the planet, deflecting some of Rinz’s stellar rays and creating irregular partial-eclipses throughout the day across the planet's surface. The planet quickly cooled as Terran plant life was added to the volcanic plants already in place, and within 10 years a bubbling world of magma dotted with bubble colonies became a planet of jungles, swamps, and tropical oceans. Even Systems was surprised how quickly life began to adapt and thrive in this environment, and while colder worlds lent themselves to hibernatory wildlife, the incubators built on Rinz wound up creating some very aggressive, nocturnal, and territorial animals.   Rinz was colonized for its potential as a biological and geothermal accelerator of sorts, where a decade’s research could be done in a few months, and while the environment was not conducive to the electronics, transit or cybernetics industries, many chemical, energy, food, and pharmaceutical corps made home bases there specifically to take advantage.   Rinz was running strong for nearly 20 years. But as The Triptych and The Wheel took off, the bottom fell out for Rinzian investment. Most corps found it much more lucrative to develop the Triptych worlds, and Rinzians began to feel their needs were being ignored by Systems and other larger corps.   In a smart pivot, Rinz marketed itself as a launchpad for further Edge worlds, as the “Hub of the Edge” with slogans like “Humanity’s Frontier Begins Here.” This worked up public support enough that Systems sent another Capital Ship to Rinz, which found itself quickly diverted by public opinion to fill crucial infrastructural needs of that system. After several months of a construction quagmire, none of the factions on the planet could agree where to utilize the Systems resources. The Board at Systems realized that the ship was sent with a purpose: that of exploring the next closest system, and Systems recalled all personnel for an additional eight-year voyage to Temar, leading to poor morale both on the colony ship and on Rinz.   Planting a flag on Temar, Rinz had fulfilled its destiny to be a stepping stone, but Temar quickly proved an even harder investment than Rinz, and resources and terraforming supplies were quickly dropped from both. Rinzians now feel like the “Route 66” of outer space - a pitstop on an interstellar highway that few outsiders even bother to use anymore.


Rinz is a small, volcanically-active planet about the size of Mercury. Due to many years of volcanism, its sky is yellow. The star Rinz itself is red, lending an orange hue to the planet itself. Its surface temperature (post-terraform) fluctuates between 20-50 Celcius (68-122 F) and very high humidity made early settlement uncomfortable. With a minimal axial tilt of 3 degrees, and a sun-mirror in place, the equator is actually the coolest point on the planet and thus, where most Terran settlements are located. Rinz has a relatively flat and ocean-less surface, the land mass comprising one huge supercontinent. Moisture condensed from the air help form the majority of the planet’s lakes and rivers. The planet is so humid that thousands of condensers themselves, placed on mountaintops, act as the source point for most streams and rivers. Many other underground rivers exist, emerging as geysers during moments of tectonic stress and occasionally damaging or destroying populated settlements.
Alternative Name(s)
Rinz 2
Included Organizations

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Cover image: Secret Camp by Junling Wang


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