Voysov Geographic Location in Panthea (old) | World Anvil
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Voysov is a frozen continent which is a southern continents.   Voysov is similar to other southern continents, it is covered in slow and a massive glacier that covers almost all of the continent, except for the tall mountain range running along the middle of the continent, some coastal areas, and a few mountains that peak through the surface of the ice. What is about Voysov compared to other southern continents is the titan city of Labyrinthius. Labyrinthius is an immense complex of tens of thousands of rooms and hallways that run underneath the entirety of the continent of Voysov. Labyrinthius is the largest titans city ever discovered, and it it's main purpose is to contain a massive unknown entity within. This entity is currently in a dormant state, but some fear that it's awakening is coming soon.


Voysov is covered in a massive glacier which is several kilometers thick. The only parts of the continent are the mountains that run along the continent lengthwise, and some small rocky areas on the coastline, as well as some smaller mountains that pierce through the glacier.

Fauna & Flora

The only plants and animals live on Voysov, excluding plants and animals living in the artificial ecosystems in the titan city, live in the few small rocky patches of land on the coastline. The animals there are just seabirds and some seals, the largest animal being the Mammoth Seal, and the second largest being the southern ocean hallon. The few plants found there are mosses, grass, lichen and small flowering plants.   One large exception to these rules is the frost ape, the only large permanent land animal on the surface of the continent.

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