Emissary Siblings: Nhab-Shand, Owah-Deb, and Desh-Azok Character in Panessence | World Anvil
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Emissary Siblings: Nhab-Shand, Owah-Deb, and Desh-Azok

rogue emissaries that have defected and are determined to defeat Deh-Nin. They all are highly intelligent and are able to use powerful magic. their magic directly drains their energy (of which they only have a fixed amount). their magic is broad and flavour-based and mysterious and powerful, but invoking any worthwhile effect takes months/years off of their (admittedly long) lifespans.  
  • Nhab-Shand, Eldest Sibling: a large, bulky, heavy worker unit, over 1000 years old - from near the end of the First Era, when Emissaries were constructed en masse. In terms of magic, the best at transmutation.
  • Owah-Deb, Middle Sibling: a sleek, speedy long-distance unit, hundred of years old - a classic Second Era Emissary. able to traverse all sorts of terrain at great speed and for great lengths of time, its purpose was to visit the many communitites of Haba-Ish and converse with humans. In terms of magic, the best at mirages and illusions, as well as plant magic.
  • Desh-Azok, Youngest Sibling: a weapons-unit, only a few years old, built in secret as part of Deh-Nin's new military force. The most morbid (shortest life, as well as being designed as a weapon), but also the most determined to defeat Deh-Nin. in terms of magic, the best at using light to scry, sense, scan, and burn, and also at weather manipulation.
  • detail their history - did they flee from Haba-Ish or Gollow Wastes?
  • how do they think? goal-focussed agents, or people? do they minimise change/consequences? is their free-will a defect?
  • detail Owah-Deb's friendship with Ojil the Bamboo-crafter - is Ojil his craftsman?
  • Revisit the Sibling's names? Do they have nicknames/local names?
  • Where are the siblings based? Molomet, rellig, follow borders, Sokani?

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Like all emissaries, the brothers are sentient rings of sunfire set within complex machinery made of many materials, very expensive and fine (stone, wood, metal, bone, ceramic, horn/antler, and glass as well as various liquids), that are operated via mysterious processes. they can live for over a millennium if they use their limited power efficiently (see below). However, as part of the limitations enforced by the humans of Haba-Ish, they must not be capable of constructing more emissaries. as such, their limbs are specialised to make them unable to accomplish general fine motor tasks,meaning they require other people to repair/"heal" themselves.

Body Features

  • Nhab-Shand: a hulking form more than ten feet tall, with four equally-spaced squat legs and long arms atop a torso. originally designed for carrying out heavy construction labour, Nhab-Shand is finished in less decorative materials than their brothers. hands are crude claws.
  • Owah-Deb: a loping tripedal traveller/messenger, agile, designed to appear graceful and fragile and non-threatening from the finest materials. hands are fingerless mittens in shape.
  • Desh-Azok: a cloaked and hooded humanoid form, built with sparse elegance. hands are blasters.

Special abilities

Emissaries can learn (or be designed) to spend their limited internal energy to create magical effects. casting spells this way uses up their energy at a great rate - even a small light can take weeks off of their lifespan, and a large casting can add up to decades. there is an upper limit - dictated partly by skill - on the ability of an emissary to burn energy this way - they couldn't spend centuries or millennia on a vast magical effect, for instance.   Magical effects:
  • mirages/illusions,
  • light that illuminates/reveals/senses
  • transmutation of matter
  • sunfire blasts
  • plant growth
  • weather/climate control?
  • shadows (as well as light)?
  • time/seasons/day-night?
  • gravity? mood/energy/health-lifting/calming effects?
  • cancer/radiation/dehydration?
  • ray-teleportation?

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • 1220LF: Nhab-Shand created.
  • 1170LF: the great revolt. Nhab-Shand escapes destruction and goes into hibernation in the desert, drawing power very slowly and waiting in reserve. over that time, decides that serving Deh-Nin is foolish.
  • 120LF: Owah-Deb created.
  • 84LF: Owah-Deb finds Nhab-Shand, awakens them, and becomes fascinated by them, stopping in regularly to discuss philosophy. becomes persuaded of their point of view, the two start scheming
  • 22LF: Desh-Azok created.
  • 20LF: Desh-Azok goes rogue, is saved by the elder siblings. they flee.
  • 10LF: the siblings arrive in the vicinity of the Nidari Reach, tracking down Deh-Nin's secret base.


Contacts & Relations

  • How-bodar: Haba-ishi hero, sent to track down Nhab-Shand, Owah-Deb, and Desh-Azok as a joint action between a Haba-ishi nation and Deh-nin.Has has an Emissary companion - lots of mutual mistrust. the Emissary is a talking, sentient, magical weapon - it appears to be a staff, but can generate a blade of sunfire that can be wielded like a spear/glaive, as well as shoot beams and perform various magical effects. In addition, How-Bodar has a jetpack, and is highly trained.
The Labyrinth, Obsidian Expanse

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