Traveling with Friends Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Traveling with Friends

General Summary

A group of adventurers set out to explore the Evercolds to ensure the place would be ready for Draconia's expansion. First happening upon a structure similar to a lighthouse along a mountain pass made entirely of ice. After clearing the snow that had piled up in front of the door the party found a foul, rotting abomination had taken residence inside. After a gruesome and stomach-churning battle, and allowing ample time for the smell to clear, the party ventured inside. Finding out the building was at one time used as a place to rest for those traversing the mountain pass. Though its caretaker had long since passed. Covak suggested they might need to send someone from the Draconia to maintain this place before continuing on their way.

Further along the mountain range, the party found a strange set of statues around the mouth of an unassuming cave. The statues were unnaturally lifelike, including a statue that wore a talisman bearing the symbol of Tiamat that Covak decided would be better off toppled and destroyed. Choosing to investigate further the party entered the cave, finding what they saw from the outside was quite different from the truth of the inside. The cave was lit with bright crystals that caused the party to experience debilitating synesthesia. While they tried to recover and look around the cave a stealthy fey creature snuck into the cave behind them and began replacing the heavy, shiny things in their packs with bread. Nightfall allowed her to finish her work before alerting her companions to the creature's presence. It turns out the creature was a zana who had taken to protecting the mountain and its travelers. Finding their packs devoid of food but laden with trinkets, the zana had swapped their load in hopes of preventing the party from starving to death and was quite evasive when it was suggested she undo her trades after learning the party did not necessarily need to eat. Instead, topics shifted to the statues all around the cave and its entrance, which the Zana admitted they had caused. Initially worried about the people-turned-statues, the party questioned the zana about why she had done so. Finding her actions reasonable, and deciding to leave the statues as they were save for a pair of lizardfolk whose only crimes were struggling to follow directions and getting hopelessly lost. Asking her to free them, only one of the pair survived the process and followed the party back to Silver City.

Rewards Granted

[1,650 gp] divine scroll of heal (CL 11)
[3,000 gp] divine scroll of antimagic field (CL 15)
[19,170 gp] avalanche shield
[1,375 gp] arcane scroll of permenancy (CL 9) x3
[13 gp] arcane scroll of light (CL 1) x3
[150 gp] arcane scroll of levitate (CL 3) x3

Covak (16): 1,400 XP = 800 (A Naseating Encounter) + 600 (A Fey Experience)
Nightfall (14): 2,625 XP = 1,575 + 1,050
Bullgup, Prim (13): 3,413 XP = 1,950 + 1.463

Discovered sites Illuminated Pass and Cave of Wonders
Report Date
13 Apr 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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