The Sovereignty Council - Marpenoth 1374 Report in Pandora | World Anvil

The Sovereignty Council - Marpenoth 1374

General Summary

The Sovereign hadn’t been seen for some time but the council diligently met for their monthly meeting to see that the Kingdom business is taken care of. To everyone’s surprise, Nihilus was present, yet had to excuse himself for time to time to get his wits about him. There are rumors that the Sovereign has been sick but these are simply the rumors of traitors.   Upkeep Things within the kingdom were peaceful as its citizens continued to enjoy all of the high end amenities of being loyal to their Sovereign.   Edict The Sovereignty claimed no additional land this month but talked about the need to expand. They spent resources to improve several hexes and added multiple buildings to their settlements. Current armies were outfitted to prepare for coming war.   Income Despite investing a large sum this month in improving the kingdom, taxes came in, bringing the treasury back up to a solid number.   Event A sniveling acolyte came to inform the Sovereign and his council about a monster ripping citizens apart in the streets of West Haven. The council arrived to find the bodies of citizen’s strewn about and the streets covered in blood. Cloev and his friends quickly downed the monster before a message was supernaturally delivered to Diavolo by way of the severed heads that littered the streets.

Rewards Granted

Loot: 23020/4 = 5,755 gp each   Experience: Cloev, Grud, Nihilus (14): 1575 (Blood in the Streets) Diavolo (10): 3575

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
31 Oct 2020
Primary Location
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Dungeon Master

Runa (12): 5400xp/13000gp/5dt