The Merchant Republic of Tetrodora Inauguration Festival Report in Pandora | World Anvil

The Merchant Republic of Tetrodora Inauguration Festival

General Summary

Having convinced each of the Tetrodora council members to vote him into leadership as Ruler, Azim began preparing himself for his ascension. He gathered friends and followers to celebrate. Raffyr came as a friend but not as a fellow Ruler, leaving any markers or articles of royalty behind in Arbour. Nightfall was present to show her full support (possibly in an effort to talk herself onto his soon-to-be council).   The whole of Trader's Cusp was in festival mode to celebrate. Tents had been set up in one of the mostly empty districts with a variety of activities. Wagons of merchants peddling souvenirs, bits, and bobbles lined the dirt streets. The souvenir of the day was a small wooden carved statue in the likeness of Azim. Nightfall purchased one with delight. Smaller tents boasted a wide array of cuisine representing the diversity of cultures that regularly travel through the neutral state. One particular booth was peddling "mystery meat," which made Azim and Raffyr suspect. Nightfall decided to try a bit, just biting off a nibble of the portion she purchased, and confirmed it at least contained Human meat. Azim immediately contact Denryx with the expectation that this merchant would be punished in some form. However, Denryx reminded Azim that cannabalism was not illegal but told him he would look into it nonetheless. Azim's furvor to clean things up in Tetrodora became stronger.   The trio enjoyed a round of spellcasting in the spell power tent with Nightfall winning the trophy racking up nearly two thousand points of damage done on his turn. He was awarded a small wooden statue carved in the likeness of Azim. It was Azim's cohort who took the prize at the Gnome toss tent, having tossed his Gnome a full one hundred and thirty five feet...right through the wall of the tent and outside the arena. The Gnome was unharmed.   Just as the trio decided it was time to take up the drinking contest, a messenger arrived, informing Azim that the official ceremony was starting and his presence was required at the stage. Deciding to return to their alcohol at another time, they headed to join the growing crowd for the changing of leadership. Azim was welcomed to a seat of honor on stage and Lloyd Falkner called the crowd to attention.   Arriving slightly late on purpose or perhaps intending to make an entrance, Nihilus joined the dignitaries on stage, greeting Azim. It was not long before Nihilus was addressing the crowd, as is his usual way as Arch-Priest of the Church of Dusk and Dawn. Reminding Azim and the people of Tetrodora of their recent joining of hands in the banning of slavery and the establishment of the Church of Dusk and Dawn in Trader's Cusp, Nihilus instructed Azim to take a knee so that Nihilus could officially bless him as leader of Tetrodora. Hesitating to give deference to Nihilus, Azim took a small moment to pray, every eye in the crowd taking in the exchange. Feeling that his god would not approve of his submission to Nihilus as religious leader, Azim refused. The tension in the crowd rose as did the tension within Nihilus. Reminding Azim that the Church of Dusk and Dawn accepts all worshippers and that it would not be wise to break from the reigning religious leader of The Havens, Nihilus offered him one last chance to accept the blessing. Azim once again refused on the basis that his god would not allow him to worship another and he must lead by example. Nihilus left annoyed. The people then begin to grumble amongst themselves, fearful of impending religious restrictions imposed by Azim. After a long speech in which he reassured the citizens that he would encourage any to worship whichever god they chose, or not to worship at all, if they chose, he was able to quell their concerns. As a direct result, Trader's Cusp saw a rise in worshippers at the local Dusk & Dawn shrine.   See his opportunity to bring all the fuss to an end, Lloyd Falkner captured the crowd's attention one last time to administer the oath of leadership to Azim, who pledged without hesitation to lead the people of Tetrodora to the best of his ability. The crowd erupted in cheers as Lloyd handed Azim a stack of paperwork and then exited the stage, obviously done with the fanfare.   As Azim was taking in the moment as the newly appointed Ruler of Tetrodora the Grand Diplomat from Fjordhaven approached and congratulated him. Thazead Honorbelly offered to Azim a gift and a letter from King Bombo himself.

Rewards Granted

[27,000 gp] ring of blinking [no external clues]
[300 gp] potion/oil of cat's grace (CL 3)
[300 gp] potion/oil of resist energy, fire (CL 3)
[700 gp] arcane scroll of invisibility, greater (CL 7)
[700 gp] arcane scroll of elemental body i (CL 7)
[5,580 gp] spined shield
[50 gp] potion/oil of magic fang (CL 1)
  Gifted to Azim:
masterwork adamantine throwing hammer
Raffyr(ECL 17): 957 = 319 (Festivities!) + 638 (Arguing with Nihilus is exhausting)
Nihilus(ECL 16): 1200 = 400 + 800 (Why don't people listen to me?!)
Azim(ECL 13): 2925 = 975 + 1950
Nightfall(ECL 11): 4950 = 1650 + 3300

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
27 Aug 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Runa (ECL 14): 6300xp/9750gp/5dt