Seeking Wisdom Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Seeking Wisdom

General Summary

Eonan gathered companions to seek advice from a legendary creature, a Phoenix. Gathering in Xiomara, they travelled via the portal (and greater teleportation in Alik Shrekar’s case) to Fjordhaven. From there they headed into the desert, toward the Ruins of the Sandswept Fortress. To their surprise, they discovered a new town there, called Raqib. From the guards and citizens of that town, they learned of a whole kingdom flourishing in the desert around the waterways. Asking around about a phoenix, the party received answers about legends and myths. They decided to seek the capital of this previously unknown kingdom known as Abkheset. Along the river, they met a patrol of camel riding soldiers. Their leader, one Ibn al-Assar, suggested they seek the wisdom of the magi of Shedje, the capital.
Arriving at the capital, they happened upon the Grand Diplomat of the kingdom, Gremag Xiloscient, a half-elf who often comes to the foreigner’s Inn outside the city walls to meet those who may seek diplomatic ties to the kingdom. After some conversation, food, and drink, Gremag Xiloscient agreed to bring the kingdom’s Magister to them the next morning. When he arrived, Husayn al-Qahir agreed to give them the information they requested, after Eonan promised to use the spell Plant Growth to enrich the kingdom’s farmland and agreed to owing him a favor, to be called upon later.
Armed with information from Husayn al-Qahir, they travelled north past the pyramid, where they discovered the source of the life-giving river gushing forth from underneath the pyramid.
Arriving in the area they were told to go, Eonan used commune with nature to feel out for the Phoenix. They were attacked by an earth elemental who was awoken by the party. After the fight, the Phoenix came to investigate the noise he heard below. Eonan prostrated himself before it and asked where to find allies to cleanse the Black Forest. The phoenix told him to cleanse the forest with purifying fire.

Rewards Granted

1,740 gp, 4 sp
Mwk Studded Leather [175gp]
2 Sapphires worth [1,750gp] each.
Unworked tigereye [4gp or 9gp repaired]
Alabaster [10gp]
Enlarge Person [50gp]
Resist Energy, Cold [300gp]
Cure Light Wounds [50gp]
Protect From Chaos [50gp]
Virtue [25gp]
Warp Wood [150gp]
Enervation [700gp]
Magic Circle against Law [375gp]

Eonan [12]: 600 (Not sleeping Lions) + 450 (Pre-diplomacy) + 600 (You woke up a rock!) = 1,650
Bombo , Matten [11]: 825 + 550 + 825 = 2,200
Alik Shrekar [10]: 1,000 + 750 + 1,000 + 2,750

Character(s) interacted with

Gremag Xiloscient
Husayn al-Qahir
Unknown Phoenix
Report Date
11 Feb 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Dungeon Master

7200xp 16000gp 5 DT