P.E.T.A.L. or People for the Equal Treatment of Animated Life Report in Pandora | World Anvil

P.E.T.A.L. or People for the Equal Treatment of Animated Life

General Summary

Responding to a request from the city to Sovereignty leadership about an organization that is vandalizing merchant's shipments, Nihilus and Grud met at the Death Dells Tavern, where they came up with a plan to lure P.E.T.A.L. out. Grabbing a cart, they filled the back with a pile of 15 animated skeletons that were laying still, disguised themselves as merchants.

After almost an hour of travel, they are approached by a ghoul who starts questioning them about the contents of their cart. Nihilus drops his disguise, and tells the ghoul to go to his master, and to tell him to meet Nihilus in that spot one day from then. After the ghoul leaves to return to its leader, Grud follows in his wolf form. It takes them a few minutes, but they come across a meeting place, where a vampire up on a cliff is address a flock of undead creatures, guarded by two iron golems. Grud relays the information to Nihilus, who teleports in making his presence know.

Nihilus greets all of the undead creatures, before going before the vampire. Nihilus requests the vampire's name and to speak direct, as he chose dissention instead of coming to him directly, which all citizens are able to do. The vampire introduced himself as Abruun, and claimed that necromancers who animated undead not only willing choose to make them without free will, but also trap their souls from the afterlife, which was his biggest complaint. He read of a list of requests that the sovereign make to his kingdom, not backing down from his arguments.

Nihilus turned to the crowd, and asked them for their opinions. Several mentioned concerns they had, but Nihilus's charisma and charm swayed most of the undead them from Abruun's thoughts. Nihilus told those who would follow that he would gladly welcome them in his church, and left, leaving only Abruun and a small handful of followers. After leaving, he telepathically gave the order to Grud: "Kill them all."

In the ensuing fight, Grud managed to drop the vampire, and started fighting off the golems guarding Abruun until Musashi excerted his control over all the undead in the area. He commanded Abruun to command the golems to follow all of Nihilus's orders, before walking east until the sun destroys him.

Noticing there was a trail to a cave that lead from the meeting place, the party went together to investigate and cull any other members of this resistance. They spotted a few Mushroom golems, however due to the fact they only responded to living creatures, the party used this to their advantage and quickly dispatched them before moving on.

Venturing on, the party found the back of the cave lead to an open basement, with a particularly strong undead; A winterwraith. Taking a diplomatic approach, Nihilus asked the wraith its name, and what it is doing. It introduced itself as Zabrask, and it let them know it was guarding the door above, to where the resting place of Abruunwas. Nihilus told the wraith that Abruun had seen the error of his ways, and had decided to move on. Suspicious, the wraith asked 24 hours to see if Abruun's spirit returns to his coffin. If it does not, he will allow them to pass. After waiting the alloted time, it allowed the party to pass. Nihilus gave it an oppertunity to join his council, and spirit said he would consider the offer. Zabrask failed to mention a magical trap that was rigged on the door, and smirked when it went off. It informed the party there were no more traps on the way to the passage above.

The party came up the passage into a building within West Haven, through a passage concealed below a large statue. Investigating the building, they found the owner of the shop, a human looking man by the name of Latan. Grud seized the man and threw him in front of Nihilus to explain. Latan told them the group used his basement, but he did not know what for. He rented it out and chose not to ask, not thinking it was anything malicious. Nihilus instructed that he show the way to Abruun's coffin and belongings, siezing them. Nihilus demanded that he tell them when he met, and when the time came he was going to scry on Latan and to not resist it.

Over the course of the next few days, Nihilus and Grud eliminated the last few stragglers of the organization, and finally, no one continue to show. whether this is from fear, or complete annihilation, no one is quite sure.

Rewards Granted

1,049 pp, 7,127 gp, 1,093 sp, 1,900 cp
[25,300 gp] +5 chainmail
[9,153 gp] +3 light wooden shield
[153 gp] masterwork light wooden shield
[165 gp] masterwork hide armor
[165 gp] masterwork hide armor
[153 gp] masterwork light wooden shield
[40 gp] carnelian
[120 gp] tourmaline
[50 gp] unworked smoky quartz (worth 25 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 12 to repair)
[60 gp] unworked milky quartz (worth 30 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 12 to repair)
[110 gp] garnet
[90 gp] unworked tourmaline (worth 45 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 15 to repair)
[90 gp] saltwater pearl
[100 gp] unworked jet (worth 50 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 15 to repair)
[13 gp] unworked tigereye (worth 6 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[9 gp] turquoise
[50 gp] unworked moonstone (worth 25 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 12 to repair)
[7 gp] unworked turquoise (worth 3 gp; Craft (jewelry) DC 10 to repair)
[8 gp] shell
[8 gp] agate
[2,275 gp] arcane scroll of create demiplane, lesser (CL 13)
[4,825 gp] arcane scroll of teleportation circle (CL 17)
[2,275 gp] divine scroll of creeping doom (CL 13)
[2,275 gp] arcane scroll of plane shift (CL 13)
[2,275 gp] arcane scroll of scrying, greater (CL 13)
[375 gp] masterwork composite shortbow x2
[320 gp] masterwork greataxe
[2,330 gp] +1 shortbow [no light or external clues]
[11,250 gp] wand of magic circle against good (CL 5)
[21,000 gp] wand of charm monster (CL 7)
Wondrous Items
[1,000 gp] robe of infinite twine [no external clues]

Special: Two Iron Golems under the control of Nihilus

Grud(16), Nihilus (16): 11,100xp =1900 (MY golems now) + 1600 (Mushroom poundtown) + 3600 (You.. shall pass) + 400 (trapped door) + 3600 (please dont hurt me, i am innocent shop keep)
Report Date
13 May 2022
Primary Location
Related Characters

Dungeon Master

Covak (10): 4500xp/3500gp/5dt