Looking For Actors Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Looking For Actors

General Summary

To set the stage, Fosco sent his men into New Saltmarsh, successfully planting and spreading the rumor that Nihilusā€™ horde of undead has amassed to a point where he can no longer control them, putting his citizens in danger.   For the first act, Bombo arrived in New Saltmarsh with his entourage. He gathered the citizens in the tavern and gave a kingly speech promising that if they put their trust in him, over Nihilus, he would see that they were adequately protected and cared for.   In the second act, a small explosion erupted from the Smithy as Fosco, who had been hiding away, threw a couple vials of Alchemist Fire into the forge before using a scroll of Summon Monster. Everyone arrived to find the Smithy on fire and five bloody skeletons ready to attack. Bombo stepped forward to fight alongside the citizens of New Saltmarsh, quickly downing the skeletons. Sadly, the Smithy was unrecoverable. Bombo offered his sympathies to Roland as well as a new position at the Stonebone Academy in Fjordhaven. Roland accepted and eventually traveled back with Bombo.   Kicking off the third act, Fosco successfully snuck off to start more fires down at the pier and summon more bloody skeletons. Once the pier was thoroughly on fire, he went to hide in the boat waiting for Bombo to arrive to save the day! Jorne was devastated to see her pier go up in flames but was thankful to Bombo for his donation of gold to help her get back on her feet.   The final bow was given by Bombo as he made another kingly speech encouraging the citizens of New Saltmarsh to keep their hopes up and of course, welcoming them to join him in Fjordhaven if they would choose.   Kingdom Builder notes: The rumor that Nihilusā€™ horde of undead has grown to a size that he can no longer control is a widely known rumor and is believed by the citizens of New Saltmarsh. The Smithy and the Pier have been destroyed by fire. Unrest in The Sovereignty has increased by 2 (1 for each lot destroyed).

Rewards Granted

The citizens thank Bombo for his heroism
7,637.9/2 = 3,818.95 each

Bombo(9): 1,913xp = 394 (Gather the Citizens!) + 956 (Trust in me!) + 563 (Iā€™m here for you!)
Fosco(7): 2,976xp = 613 + 1488 + 875

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
23 Jun 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Dungeon Master

Runa (11): 4950xp/9800gp/5dt