The Three Immortals Myth in Palimpsest | World Anvil

The Three Immortals

"The faithful to remain; The traitor to reach; The broken to destroy."
"This paticular motif is the one that I am studying at the moment. We managed to map a progression throughout time and across cultures. One of the really interesting things is that each culture seems to depict the figures differently, and sometimes even within the culture the depictions change. But always a combination of the familiar and the otherly. Always almost like us, but not quite. Three different figures, three different species, all approximately humanoid, but unlike any species known." A snippet of a lecture given by Professor Qumin Anastasia Baharat at the Elderton History Museum (Needleday, Tailormoon, 1313).
The Three Immortals are a running theme that have something to do with the Apocalypse.

In Literature

Signs and Sigils by Professor Qumin Anastasia Baharat: Describes the Three Immortals as a recurring motif in the older and deeper parts of the city.
Related Documents
Qumin's Lecture