Qumin's Lecture Document in Palimpsest | World Anvil

Qumin's Lecture

"She knows about the Tengu. Connie told her."
"This particular motif is the one that I am studying at the moment. We managed to map a progression throughout time and across cultures. One of the really interesting things is that each culture seems to depict the figures differently, and sometimes even within the culture the depictions change. But always a combination of the familiar and the otherly. Always almost like us, but not quite. Three different figures, three different species, all approximately humanoid, but unlike any species known."


Lindie Asklepa recorded this snippet of lecture to entertain Katib Hugo Dargent when he was ill. Later she recorded over the start of it in order to inform Hugo that Connie Furr had told the Bakerstreets about their connection to Krona Tailfeather.
Record, Transcript (Communication)
Crystal, Magical