The Sickness of the Stars, or the White Death Myth in Palimpsest | World Anvil

The Sickness of the Stars, or the White Death (Apocalypse Myth)

"Another song, brighter and rougher and sharper than the dim, smooth, flat song of the Hyades, has been known to burn through the ancient realm of Carcosa once in a slew of epochs, emitted all at once by every star save, perhaps, the Hyades and the Prince, for what is dead yet liveth cannot die and has no life - and so it is that they alone remain on in the crumbling ruins, surrounded by the liquidating corpses of their courtiers. The source and purpose of this White Death eludes even the maddest and most deep-drunk of the Saffron prophets, and some have whispered, and drawn signs of warding, that perhaps there are things even the Prince in Saffron is forbidden to know." Bastet of Palimpsest sang the song of the Sickness of the Stars, or the White Death in a Legend Lore spell compiling the existing myths of the Apocalypse.
Date of First Recording
Givesday, Tailormoon, 1313
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Music of Palimpsest