Hugo's Dream Myth in Palimpsest | World Anvil

Hugo's Dream

Whitecape fed Hugo some Dream Tea, which gave him weird visions but convinced him that he should help to bring down the Noble Court from the inside.

Hugo, Connie and Lindie agreed to help Whitecape with his rebellious plan and Whitecape started sending them Star Charts that were coded instructions for how to help from inside the court. For a few days, Hugo was sick with addiction and Wisdom damage from the tea, but Lindie stole some medicine from the court doctors and he was able to recover.


On Eclipseday between Beggarmoon and Thiefmoon 1312, Whitecape fed Dream Tea to Hugo Dargent, Connie Furr and Lindie Asklepa. Hugo, knowing the tea contained some kind of drug but unwilling to break court etiquette by turning it down, drank all three servings of the tea, which was probably a very bad idea.  
The Vision
While under the effects of the tea, Hugo received strange visions:
  • An army of ghouls led by a skull-faced figure in a ragged black cloak swarmed towards the city of Palimpsest and attacked. Possibly connected to the Rumour: Ghouls inside the City.
  • Three humanoid part-animal figures representing the Three Immortals: the Rebel, the Faithful and the Broken. They seem to be in some kind of walled garden.
  • A premonition of the fall of the city, where the desert ground cracks and the city rapidly speeds downwards (faster even than it’s sinking currently).
  • Somewhere in Palimpsest is an Invisible Heart that beats with a fountain of light upon a throne.
The Augury
Hugo could ask the tea about three possible courses of action, to which an unknown entity (perhaps the tea itself) would reveal the omens involved.   The first course he enquired about was to ask of the omens if he were to help to overthrow the hierarchical structure of Palimpsest and follow Whitecape’s plan to bring down the Nobles.
Answer: there would be some Woe but a greater amount of Weal.   Second he asked about was what would happen if he didn’t overthrow the Palimpsest hierarchy and left the Nobles to their own devices.
Answer: Only Woe.   Finally, Hugo enquired what would be the outcome if he looked for the Invisible Heart from his vison.
Answer: Good Omens Only.
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