Bugsby Cottontail Character in Palimpsest | World Anvil

Bugsby Cottontail

Sir Bugsby Cottontail

Bugsby Cottontail is a swashbuckling Brambleknight of the Bramble Church, and the sworn protector of the Archivist, Echo Bunnyman, as she journeys to find Connie Furr, the Bramble Oracle.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

The Trolling Blade
The Trolling Blade: Bugsby's rapier is a divine Bramble artifact that allows him to cast Compel Hostility and Knight's Call twice each per day. Additionally, when hitting with the Compel Hostility, the rapier casts Challenge Evil, which compels an evil foe to target Bugsby (or whoever is weilding the blade at the time) and no-one else, aiding Bugsby in his mission to protect Echo at all costs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Needleday, Tinkermoon, 1313
Bugsby, Echo and the baby Fnifs were rescued from Barker's Menagerie by Connie Furr and her companions, and once freed Bugsby helped take down some of the remaining gnolls. Upon discovering that they had found the "Bramble Oracle", Echo realised that they had accomplished the mission set for them by the Bramble Church, however, her instructions was less clear about what they needed to do once they found Connie. They agreed to return to the Dargent Estate with Connie, figuring they could bring her back to the warren once she was ready.

Morality & Philosophy

The motto of the Brambleknights is "Protection by Thorns", and Bugsby upholds their code of ethics with a knightly and personal convition. The Bramble Church advocates for fighting defensively if fighting must happen at all, and Bugsby gels with this defend-don't-attack ethos. One of Bugsby's personal struggles is that sometimes he has had to kill opponents, and he finds the predatory nature of those who intend to kill alien and demonic. For Bugsby, predators who go out and attack or take the fight to unfamiliar ground conjure parallels with the Terrier Beneath the Sands, the terrifying devil figure of the Brambelite religion.


Religious Views

Like almost all Bunbun, Bugsby follows the teachings of the Bramble Church, and is even a Knight of the Briar under Brer Bigwig Briar, the Lord of the Holy Order of Brambleknights. However, his devotion to the church's teachings is a feudalistic allegiance to his Lord, rather than religiously motivated.
"En garde! Fight me, you coward!"
Currently Held Titles
18 years old
Date of Birth
Goldday, Beggarmoon, 1294
Carrot Greens scent.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Earspeak, possibly others.

Has encountered Hugo Dargent in Human form. Has encountered Connie Furr in Bunbun and Hybrid form.