Overwatch Organization in Overwatch: Total Recall | World Anvil
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"Over thirty years ago, Overwatch was founded to counter the threat of the robot uprisings around the world. Reinhardt, a highly decorated German soldier, was inducted as part of the original Overwatch strike team that put an end to the Omnic Crisis. After the conflict's resolution, Overwatch grew into a global institution, keeping the peace in a war-torn world." source: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/heroes/reinhardt/


Director Petras (UN)
Strike Commander Gabriel Reyes, later Strike Commander Jack Morrison with Reyes leading Blackwatch
Captains including Ana Amari
Medical doctors including Angela Ziegler
Scientific and medical researchers including Moira O'Deorain and Winston


Officially disbanded and outlawed via UN resolution "Petras Act" some time after the Swiss HQ destruction.

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