Bognie Character in Overlord | World Anvil
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The dark sheep of a family so varied as the Regnomard Family should be difficult to define, but the role unarguably belongs to Bognie, the son of the Hero Samedor Regnomard. After the supposed shame of his father’s defection, he left for Zol-Tero, where he eventually became a relatively important lieutenant of the overlord there.   After some time he managed to put together enough of a force of his own that he attempted a coup against Denyithragorathia, to claim the country for himself after he was passed over as Dramonger III’s heir. For all that the attempt ultimately failed, it was quite well thought out. He built up a shadowy reputation, manipulated and bribed weaker-willed staff members, and as distasteful as he no doubt found it, he used his plainness of appearance to his advantage and built himself up as a nonentity. He chose the name Baramenios Varkon the Fifth for his brief stint as Overlord.


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