Feats in Ovatria | World Anvil
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Rune Mastery

Rune Knowledge

You have mastered the secret powers of one ancient rune. Choose one rune that you already learned through Rune Knowledge. Once per day, you can invoke one of its Rune Mastery powers.
You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you learn the Rune Mastery powers of a different rune from your repertoire.

Rune Knowledge

Wisdom 12 or higher

You are wise in the lore of two runes of your choice. You always have access to their rune bonuses. In addition, every day you can invoke one rune power for each rune you’ve learned, provided you meet any other requirements such as a minimum level.
You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you gain the bonus and powers of two additional runes of your choice.

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