The Cops And The Riot in Out of the Shadows | World Anvil

The Cops And The Riot

Green > "Red, hurry up! The riot cops are about done breaking up that little flashmob of yours, and the second they do that, we lose our cover!"   Red > "Look mate, this safe is just a tiny tad hard to get into, okay! Let Blue take care of the cops!"   Green > "How?! They're in full gear and already pulled out the Pepper Punch! There's literally people unconcious already!"   Blue > "On it. Surprise, pigs. Feel the sting!"   The cops marched through their own gas clouds, not caring about it as they looked for people to hit, when suddenly their visors all popped open. Opening one's eyes in shock definitely did not help the result, as their eyes and throats immediately began burning and the contents of their stomachs rioted against them. They were definitely going to be feeling this sting for a while.

Cover image: Dark Woods by Free-Photos


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