Siege Tank Vehicle in Ouresboros | World Anvil

Siege Tank

Siege tanks are armoured vehicles equipped with either heavily artillery canon. They generally perform the same task as mobile gunplatforms. The main difference is, that a siege tank has the benefit of being able to fire while mobile, sacrificing heavily on accuracy, but offering large destructive capabilities on the go, during ground to ground combat.  


The earliest implementation of mobile siege weaponry, were the Traskian ballistas. These ballistas were mounted on oxen drawn carts. The ballista could then be loaded while riding, the bow being drawn by the motion of the cart. Using these at night, made it much harder for the enemy to pin point where an attack was coming from.   The first motorised mobile artillery vehicle (MAV's) was the Nostran Krighamer P5, nicknamed Gros Kong (Great King). It was heavy build steam tank, that came equipped with two cannons. One shortsnubbed 100 mm "Bombust" ("Bombastic", short range, kinetic damage) and the, for then, impressive 90 mm "Kongs Figer" ("King's Finger" long range, explosive damage). It is not considered a true siege tank, since the 150 mm artillery gun wasn't used while it was moving.

With the transition from mounted combat to armoured warfare during the Great War, steamtanks saw themselves replaced by the better armoured, better armed and faster tanks, running on combustion engines. MAV's that by large still ran on steampower, suddenly saw themselves being sitting ducks, compared to the speed modern tanks could maintain.
During the second phase of the war, MAV's had largely disappeared. Most armies, preferring to benefit from the longer range and heavier calibre, had switched to fixed artillery emplacements, located behind the battle lines.

It was during the last phase of the Great War, that the first prototype of a siege tank was deployed. During the Battle Of Trigeve, Balosian forces mounted a 350 mm artillery gun on a platform, carried by four heavy armoured personnel carriers.
The construction was able to provide artillery cover, while dropping off military personnel. Eventually the NPC's were converted to armoured tractors, fitting the previous personnel compartments with custom build engines. With it,the Balosians stormed the city of Trigeve, taking out enemy lines from kilometres away, before these could even move. It was eventually dubbed the Kholakily (trans: Hellroller).

Contemporary siege tanks are mounted on smaller platforms, requiring only one engine. Most cannons are also limited to 150 mm barrels. The idea is that these tanks can fire on the go if needed, but the focus still lies on using them in a fixed manner.

Cover image: by Fluofish


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