Arthur Morgan Character in Otherreal | World Anvil

Arthur Morgan

Stranded in a foreign world he has made his place there.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Arthur is a reluctant traveller between the worlds. Having accidentally stepped into Otherreal when nearly struck by lightning at the Cissbury portal, in 1995. On recovering from the shock of the lightning strike, which hit a bush beside him, he then spent several years overcoming the shock of finding himself in a different world and unable to get back to his own. During this he built his mill, based on recollections of preserved mills he'd visited as a child as this is an invention not previously known in (that part of, at any rate) Otherreal. Siting it close to the portal he tried to spot any other users as he went about his business. He saw a few and learned something of the background of stepping but was unable, even with assistance to use the portal to get back home. After a couple of failed attempts he sent a series of letters via passing steppers. The acquisition of a family tempered his desires to return but he retains a detached interest in the portal and its use.


Gained a degree in mechanical engineering in Real; self taught as miller and millwright in Otherreal.


Miller and millwright. Though he continues to operate his mill he has built several others in the surrounding area, some for local land owners and others that he continues to own and runs as an extension of his business.
Is now considering retiring for personally milling and focusing on the mill building and management.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Designing, building and operating the mill. The mill mechanism was mostly remembered and he sees this as a piece of fortune, but the management of the mill stones was an aspect of the craft that he had not anticipated and had to learn through experience. He takes pride in having developed this skill.

Failures & Embarrassments

Still feels guilt over leaving his mother, even though he knows this was not his deliberate fault his inability to get back still rankles, though less as his family has grown and there has been some communication with his mother.

Mental Trauma

The Step between worlds has deeply affected him: his greatest fear is that he will loose his children through the same mechanism.

Morality & Philosophy

A strong sense of integrity and fairness - he knows the bad repute that millers can acquire and is determined not to fall to this.


Arthur Morgan


Towards Jessie Morgan


Jessie Morgan


Towards Arthur Morgan


Arthur Morgan


Towards David Morgan


David Morgan


Towards Arthur Morgan


Arthur Morgan


Towards Emily Morgan


Emily Morgan


Towards Arthur Morgan


Year of Birth
Current Residence
Cissbury Mill
Short, brown with grey at the temples
Ruled Locations

Arthur's Letters Home

Arthur Morgan's first letter
Arthur Morgan's second letter
Arthur Morgan's third letter
Arthur Morgan's Timeline

This article has no secrets.


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