Baazi Species in Ostyria | World Anvil


The Baazi (aka Reptilefolk) are one of the many anthropomorphic humanoids in Ostyria and have a major presence in Zoan, but are also present in Duankh. The true origin of the Baazi is unclear to most even themselves. The two most prominent theories are that either they are born from the seed of the World Serpent and it's corruption or that they were transformed by one of the Planes of Existence, specifically the Beastlands, during the Planar Convergence. Different cultures of Baazi will embrace one of the two theories informing certain aspects of their customs and beliefs.

Basic Information


There are four known sub-species of Baazi and each has dominate animal traits of the different reptiles they mirror. Most Baazi are bipedal and have a skeletal structure similar to most humanoids. However the uniqueness of the sub-species is very prevalent in each. The Lizardfolk are scaled, tailed, and muscular but not as muscular as the Gatorfolk who are generally more hefty and have elongated mouths like the gators they resemble. Turtlefolk have large shells on their back and have more stubby appendages, while Serpentkin are lithe and their spines are extremely flexible. There are some Serpentkin that have more than two arms and others who do not walk on two legs but slither.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Baazi can be found all over Ostyria. On Duankh they live in the swamp and marshlands of Kuu'land, in the waste of Apeti, in the verdant forest of Gebora, the sands of Kala-Kau, and the cities and villages of Philae and the Heh'n Empire. On Zoan they live in civilization and the wildlands.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Most of the Baazi possess standard humanoid senses and capabilities but a couple of the sub-species are able to either breathe in water or hold their breath for an extended period of time. Serpentkin are the most unique of the Baazi sub-species for they possess innate arcane abilities.

Scientific Name
Homo reptilian
60 years
Average Height
5 - 8 ft. (1.52 m - 2.44 m) depending on lineage
Average Weight
100 - 430 lbs. (45.36 kg - 195.04 kg) depending on lineage
Geographic Distribution
Geographic Location | Mar 28, 2023

Cover image: by Caroline Gariba


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