Ostea History of Ostea Timeline

History of Ostea

The Moon of Ostea has had a long history, which started with it as a lifeless rock.

  • 3402 BC

    Founding of Kirschstadt

    The founding of the first city on the Moon of Ostea, caused quite a stir.

  • 3404 BC

    Destruction of Kirschtadt
    Disaster / Destruction

    A cascading failure in the City of Kirschtadt lead to one of the greatest disasters of the colonization of the Wemner System. Electrical failures lead to leaks, which lead to explosions. The debris from the explosions began to hit fuel lines in other areas, creating a series of failures that damaged the new settlement beyond repair. The few survivors that managed to get to lifeboats in time evacuated the planet, while most died within minutes.

  • 3420 BC

    Founding of Ralex Station

    Ralex Station is built orbiting the moon of Ostea, to help prevent any future malfunctions from claiming the lives of an entire colony.

  • 3435 BC

    Founding of Essborn

    The second city founded on the Moon of Ostea, the public was excited but skeptical after the disaster during their first attempt.

  • 3451 BC

    Founding of Freinau

    The Rosea Collective rushed to found their own colony after being beaten down to a planet for the first time. In 3451, they finally achieved their dream, establishing the settlement of Freinau.

  • 3501 BC

    Founding of Nalin

    The founding of the independent settlement of Nalin, which would go on to grow over the next 40 years into a city nearly the size of the corporate settlements.

  • 3543 BC

    Destruction of Nalin
    Disaster / Destruction

    The City of Nalin goes dark - the reason for which is not widely known today.

  • 3621 BC

    First Mutations
    Discovery, Scientific

    The first major human mutations appear on Ostea - people developing strange abilities as a result of interactions between medical nanorobotics and microorganisms present in the planet. This starts a new era of going beyond cybernetic enhancements and genetic manipulation into serums that made individuals "super-human", long after they'd already been born.

  • 3645 BC

    3675 BC

    Ostean Golden Age
    Era beginning/end

    The Ostean Golden Age encompassed a thirty-year span during which the moon was a major center of commerce amongst the solar system. It was an age of wonders, with humanity building upon a completely terraformed planet to build seemingly impossible constructions.

  • 3675 BC

    The Long Dark
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Star Viggio, at the center of the Wemner System, entered a period of intense activity, generating a series of Coronal Mass Ejections more powerful than any that had ever been observed. Space stations and ships completely shut down and, without a way to stabilize their orbit, eventually crashed into the planets they circled or floated off into the void of space. Colonies lost all power overnight, with many machines fried beyond repair. The count of dead was beyond estimation - overnight, humanity went from the apex species of the system, to fighting for their own survival.

    Additional timelines
  • 3781 BC

    3786 BC

    The Nanoplague
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Nanoplague lasted only 5 years, but it radically re-shaped the face of the planet. Over half of the general population was wiped out during this time, with almost all being affected on some level by small mutations. A percentage were horribly transformed into terrible monstrosities, roaming the planet later as Variants.   Thankfully, the Nanoplague was engineered to burn itself out quickly by it's creator, the sentient AI Taurus. Once the plague affected a creature, it wrote markers into the DNA of the creature that prevented further changes.

  • 3785 BC

    The Ostean Reformation
    Religious event

    The Ostean Reformation began after the collapse, as the survivors struggled to cope with a world suddenly stripped of many of it's most advanced resources. Famines and droughts became more regular, and with them came large-scale conflict. This lead to the rise of several religious organizations that vied for power, which dominated life on Ostea for a time. This resurgence in religion was known as the Ostean Reformation, and it laid the groundwork for a wide variety of orders of Monks, Priests, and Assassins in the later world.

  • 3787 BC

    Founding of The Last City

    The Last City was first constructed almost 100 years after the Collapse, by an order of holy knights that sought to create a sanctuary. Ever since, it has grown bit-by-bit, carefully so that the city can always be protected.  The City is the last haven of law and order amongst a collapsed society, looked over by the Council of Elders, the Knights of Jel'dora, and the Church of the Crescent Moon.

  • 3803 BC

    Founding of The Hive

    The Hive is first settled by Ryser and a group of local marauder tribes.  While it would later grow to astonishing size, at it's founding the city's inhabitants numbered in the hundreds.  What hasn't changed is that it was settled as, and remains today, a haven for the criminals, the violent, and the forgotten folk of the world.

  • 3949 BC

    Rise of the Foundling God
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Last City is overtaken by The Foundling God, in a silent coup. A few key individuals are executed, while others are replaced with duplicates to ensure an orderly transition.

  • 3958 BC

    The End Times Begins
    Era beginning/end

    The End Times marks a time period during which humanity was pushed to the brink of extinction. Scientific advancement ground to a near halt, as the population's focus turned towards survival. Instead, the strong ruled over the remaining human enclaves, which picked over the bones of the past.

  • 3997 BC

    Illimatee Waters Dries
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Illimitee Waters, one of the two major lake systems established on Ostea, completely dries out and becomes a desert. After a sustained period of the terraforming project being offline, the lake's cycles have been disrupted, and it stands now as a barren wasteland.

  • 4055 BC

    Ryser leaves the planet
    Disaster / Destruction

    Ryser's great project finally comes to fruition, a great starship, built from the designs of old. Very few are brought onboard before launch - a launch which destroys much of the rest of the city that's built up around this new vessel. Hundreds of thousands die, with surprisingly few left injured, and a scar is blasted into the ground where the city once stood.

  • 4069 BC

    The New Age Begins
    Era beginning/end

    Out of the sacrifice of The Runner and Sera, the terraforming process on Ostea was restarted and the world given a renewed future. The new era would come to be defined by reconstruction, as humanity sought to take back the world they so nearly lost.

  • 4071 BC

    Founding of Seford

    For the first time in a very long time, a new city is founded on Ostea. After the terraforming of the planet was restarted, something new took hold in much of the population - hope. Seford become the manifestation of those hopes, and would quickly become a well-established settlement, then later a city.