Session 82 - 4th of Ellolis 948 ACW Midday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 82 - 4th of Ellolis 948 ACW Midday

General Summary

Rowan accepted the spooky powers and had a physical transformation, both she and Denella were too high to deal with the repercussions and went to find Ryder aka the Council of Moms. Hobble and Soli hung out in the bar and regaled it with tales of their awesomeness until Soli killed a man in a bar fight, stole a diamond necklace off a Mourningfell diplomat called Caelyn Hope, and brought Karl back to life. Quinn talked with the other artificer and kept the psionic blueprints to himself but did help her design weapons. Soli went to the Bards and the Bees and attacked the Crimson there, killing most, but four were able to get away leaving Soli barely breathing. 
Group met up in Ryder's office to talk with Rowan and get help for Soli. Rowan had visions of the night's dreams and heard Moloch telling her the group would try to kill her the first chance they got. They told Rowan a version of what happened and she left to take a moment to herself. Soli followed as did the rest of the party, a tense conversation was picked up, and Rowan through them out of the room by enshrouding herself in shadow and forcing the group out.
Report Date
09 Nov 2022


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