Session 80 - 3rd of Ellolis 948 ACW Threday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 80 - 3rd of Ellolis 948 ACW Threday

General Summary

Rowan told Denella everything that had gone on in the feywild and Soli allowed Amelia and then the rest of the group on her Black Market scheme. Quinn asked Ryder if he could make a psionic cannon in front of Menesis, she said no but did give him a lab space for gun manufacturing. She also told him to be careful with what he said in front of Menesis where psionics was concerned. The group followed Soli to the Crimson bar and stayed upstairs as she did the deal, once she got paid Soli escalated the interaction and attacked Rosalind who held the soldiers off for the moment not wanting to die in the basement. Group was able to join up with Amelia who caught her and found out who she was and what she was doing. The next day Rowan learned the location of the next weapon and got high with Denella. Soli got Quinn to enchant her armor, and Quinn got to teach the artificers how to build muskets but also had a misfire and killed an acolyte that Soli revived.
Report Date
26 Oct 2022


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