Session 79 - 2nd of Ellolis 948 ACW Secday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 79 - 2nd of Ellolis 948 ACW Secday

General Summary

Quinn left Menesis to work on the crystal after sharing his gun design and also learned that there are no open labs, Rowan spent the night with the moms as did Soli after she set her siblings up in the Collectors building. Quinn sent the linked bag of holding to Mora along with a letter, Hobble sent notes to Claire and Methais. Soli plans to keep the shadow ring, and Hobble read Claire's book to a bar for the night. In the morning a group was sent to the Skullsmashers to get the flail back with a letter from Hobble, and Rowan got the lore dump (info was shared with the group). She also pondered if Moloch was getting stronger with each Court death. Soli and Quinn sold off Catalina's armor and then went off to the brothel to find a link to the black market, met with a half-elf Raymond Pike.  Quinn and Hobble went to go fishing but decided to get the kobolds first, once at the school found out they were gone having been kicked out. After investigating learned that Isabeth had taken them and that she would be marrying Colas. Soli also threatened Lan into not saying anything about the group looking for Isabeth.
Report Date
19 Oct 2022


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