Session 77 - 4th of Camriel 948 ACW, Midday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 77 - 4th of Camriel 948 ACW, Midday

General Summary

Fought the T-Rex and Aramil got the last hit in, while Hexan went full anime boy and did nearly 100 points of damage. Took a quick rest and then teleported to Kesh, once there went to the Thousand Stars Inn and dropped off bags before heading to Kesh Trust to get some crescents. Went to the temple and talked with an acolyte, when they ran off of to get someone Aramil did some lite snooping and found a reliquary they could steal. Met the Head priestess and went to her living quarters. Convinced her just enough to go forward with the plan of having them look into Penelope's disappearance, with Cassandra stating they would meet with the queen to approve the job.
Report Date
16 Oct 2023


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