Session 75 - 3rd of Camriel, Thredday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 75 - 3rd of Camriel, Thredday

General Summary

Group discussed which of Adohnis's options they should go with; they came up with a few paths eventually choosing the third option. Adohnis enacted a 9th level pinky promise pact; I will destroy Simon Vicca, the Crimson Court, and stop his armies from marching on Rycrioun and the Exalted City of Rycca. In exchange you will stop the Siphon from destroying a city of my choosing. Should you go against this agreement, divine punishment will be rained down upon you. They did a bit of research and asked Cohnal to for what he knew and agreed to bring him along. In the morning grabbed Hexan's glaive and the bomb before picking up Cohnal at the Bards and the Bees. They then plane shifted to Arx Infinitus and got permission to check out the library and join a delivery to Polaris in the morning.
Report Date
09 Sep 2023


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