Session 71 - 2nd of Elion 948 ACW Threday Fey Realm day 3 Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 71 - 2nd of Elion 948 ACW Threday Fey Realm day 3

General Summary

Group got out of the city and once they were safe took watches to ensure no one came after them. Quinn and Soli had a heart-to-heart, Rahmiel felt the pull from his core, Rowan got Ryder's letter, and Hobble Bobble lost his name to the Monogramer who said someone needed it more. In the morning Solie and Amelia pledged their love for one another, Rowan was able to see the core in Rahmiel, and then the group left for the dungeon. On the way, Rowan sent a message to Ryder who told her that psionic cores exist and that Hobble may have one as well. Got into the first room of the dungeon.
Report Date
24 Aug 2022


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