Session 70 - Arcane Sea day 2 Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 70 - Arcane Sea day 2

General Summary

Group got a quick overview of things from Adohnis before making their way up to the dracohydra. Once there they took some time to plan, with Fryer suggesting someone get a giant condom, Aramil saying they should find a way to make a hydra xylophone, and Hexan raising his hand as a tribute for both options. The fight eventually got started and Aramil and his 10 clones dropped the hydra down by 164 damage in one round, and in the subsequent round killed it. Adohnis then found them and teleported the group to Kaladurren. Once there they found Cohnal hiding out, with Hexan saying to him "You've got stars in your eyes, and I've been looking for you."
Report Date
21 May 2023


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