Session 69 - Arcane Sea day 1 Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 69 - Arcane Sea day 1

General Summary

Fryer called upon Senvara and was granted access to the rest of the domain, they flew to the jungle island and chased after Senvara the younger. Once they caught up with her they learned what she had to offer them and made plans for next steps. Spent the night at Satina's place and made their way to the island of Morta in the morning. On the island, Aramil picked up a handful of reunion Lillies and Senvara the elder sent them to the domain of Adohnis where Hexan made some quick deceptive moves so that Aramil could bag a large amount of psionic crystals. Saw Adohnis sending members of his forces to take out a dracohydra, he got the party to agree to fight it for him and he said he would take them to Kaladurren should they do this. The agreement was sealed with a 5th level pinky promise pact.
Report Date
08 May 2023


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