Session 67 - 29th of Horros 948 ACW Mornday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 67 - 29th of Horros 948 ACW Mornday

General Summary

Group finished interrogating Stien and went to get a tuning fork for the material plane. Did some research on ley lines and ley elementals. In the morning talked to Ryder and Tanor, and got the go-ahead to go the Mani tribe and gave a rundown on what Stien told them. Tanor teleported group to the Mani tribe and brought them to the temple. While they waited to go in Hexan talked to a young man from the island who wanted to know what the group was doing there. Got let into the temple and learned about the different factions of the Arcana Sea, just as they were given the ok to jump into the ley line the high elves attacked the island. Aramil got out first and took out members who were attacking Irimethal, got her respect and figured out that she was Charlie's grandmother.
Report Date
01 Apr 2023


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