Session 60 - 9th of Elion 948 ACW Mornday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 60 - 9th of Elion 948 ACW Mornday

General Summary

Group told the Crimson members to go to the capital and get new jobs, and they were given Edumud's cloak to trick Ashglade into giving up information. Went to the meeting and got the chest and were told to subjugate the town and kill anyone who went against them. Ashglade told them that this would be the first with more to come. Went back to the capital with the Crimson, once there handed over info, and were given soldiers to help take out Caresta as well as a ship. Aramil learned how to use his gun and handed over plans for Quinn's weapons to Ryder. Went out to sea take out Caresta from the citadel.
Report Date
04 Dec 2022


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