Session 59 - 9th of Elion 948 ACW Mornday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 59 - 9th of Elion 948 ACW Mornday

General Summary

Group took the objects off of the hag and then made their way back to the town. Once there they were jumped by the Crimson, but they were able to get out of the fight by exposing one of the members as sleeping with the boss's daughter. In the morning they got a bear trap and went back to the house set up to confront Duskhaven. Once there Hexan was able to convince the man that he was the hag's new assistant and was able to get paid. Fought Duskhaven in the basement and Hexan went unconscious followed by Duskhaven being able to get out with the automaton.
Report Date
20 Nov 2022


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