Session 57 - 9th of Othlon 948 ACW Threday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 57 - 9th of Othlon 948 ACW Threday

General Summary

Rowan told Ryder everything that went down over the past few weeks. Soli told Amelia everything that happened to her; they went over to Menesis' place and he gave her back her memories before teleporting out. The two talked for a moment before Soli followed Amelia over to Hobble and Quinn, stopped her from beating them up. They went back to Soli's room and broke up with Amelia leaving behind her mask. Soli then went to Shaw. In the morning Soli and Shaw went out to have fun, Hobble and Quinn dropped off a fruit basket, and Rowan and Rahmiel shared a quiet breakfast.
Report Date
25 May 2022


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