Session 56 - 9th of Othlon 948 ACW Secday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 56 - 9th of Othlon 948 ACW Secday

General Summary

Soli and Rowan talked for a bit, and Rowan saw the fawn walk-off from Soli. Hobble informed the npcs what happened in his own way, and stole the dwarven ale from Quinn. In the morning Soli prayed and got a vision of the sword, then hit up the potion shop and went to the library and met an old flame/acolyte Ana Moya who is a tiefling. The boys learned what the objects in from the building were and decided to bring them to leadership.  Met with Kale, Ryder, and Sariel, took their punishment, handed over the items, and were told to stay away from the investigation.  After the meeting Hobble and Quinn went fishing, Soli went to the temple and spoke with Erathis in person, Rowan got high and had her wisdom bumped up by 2 for 24 hours, and Rahmiel paid the fine.
Report Date
19 May 2022


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