Session 54 - 8th of Othlon 948 ACW Mornday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 54 - 8th of Othlon 948 ACW Mornday

General Summary

When Soli went to bed saw a vision of the Feywild burning down and Catalina standing atop the city walls. Did some shopping in the morning, selling the wine, getting diamonds, Soli got new armor, Quinn got some metal for casings, and Hobble pick up wedding gifts. Got Menesis (Miles) to teleport them back home, saw that the Ironkeepers were running about the city, and learned that Kylin had seemingly gone missing since her firing was announced. Soli then touched Rowan's now back again shadow and took damage while seeing a flash of his crown and being told not to interfere with his business.
Report Date
05 May 2022


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