Session 54 - 14th of Othlon 948 ACW Setday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 54 - 14th of Othlon 948 ACW Setday

General Summary

Group didn't give Menesis the notes. Hexan tried to push past his chaos but instead felt his core pulsing with power and keeping hold of him for thirty minutes. Once inside of the lab space Fryer tapped Hexan with one of the crystals causing the tides of chaos to go off and a spectral steed appeared. Group decided to keep the crystals, not knowing if anyone within the Council would try to steal them. Took the books back to the library, and spoke with Azel about the collar. Azel told them what it could do and told them he'd ask around to see if anyone knew how to do work like that.
Report Date
28 Aug 2022


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