Session 52- 6th of Othlon 948 ACW Falday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 52- 6th of Othlon 948 ACW Falday

General Summary

Rahmiel listened in on the hallway conversations. Soli taught Amelia how to dance, while Quinn fell asleep by the fire and Hobble and Clarie hooked up in the bushes. Soli, Rahmiel, Kendra, and Wolf went after Colas and killed him with Amelia staying behind to "clean up".  In the morning discussed what to do next, learned from Azreal that things still weren't great between the two countries, and decided to crash the king and Kale's meeting, while Quinn went to see his aunt. Made their case to the king but seemed to smooth things over for the moment. On their way out heard that a body was found.  Quinn got a bottle of black powered from Godfred and made a tentative deal to purchase more in the future.
Report Date
22 Apr 2022


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