Session 52 - 13th of Othlon 948 ACW Falday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 52 - 13th of Othlon 948 ACW Falday

General Summary

Group talked to Korvan Menesis and found out who he was and what was in his basement. While in there Fryer's again caused him to attack Menesis and stabbed him once. Group left the basement with Menesis alive and sorry for what he did. Aramil and Hexan worried about what was wrong with Fryer and followed him into the library's restricted section, while there Fryer started reading a book with a ritual to get rid of the sword but was interrupted by Hexan grabbing the sword away from him. Worried about what the sword was doing to Fryer they went up to Ryder Montero's office and prepared for what she planned to do to help. Before she could cast Wish the sword took over Fryer.
Report Date
31 Jul 2022


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