Session 50- 2nd of Othlon 948 ACW Secday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 50- 2nd of Othlon 948 ACW Secday

General Summary

Group fought the Ordo Corvis and Rahmiel let one of them go and give Zaleric the message "We've won this one.". They then slip up for a bit before joining up at the library and handed the staff over to Kylin who put it in the vault and told the group the Council would be taking over the investigation into the order. Soli met with Amelia and secured a date with her for the State Dinner.

Character(s) interacted with

Darren the ice cream shop worker. Is 16, sells weed on the side to his friends, has a super-thin mustache, and Hobble got drugs off of him.
Report Date
06 Apr 2022


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