Session 48 - 35th of Mene 948 ACW Setday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 48 - 35th of Mene 948 ACW Setday

General Summary

Soli got her boon from Menesis. Quinn has learned about guns, trains, and airships from the Torres chronicles. Amelia was teleported back to the ship with only the memories of her talk with Soli staying. Group told Menesis about Rowan's curse and he finished Kendra's crystal extraction. Group talked about Rowan's worries before teleporting to the capital.  Soli and Hobble got the mail before spying on the team working on the reunion Lilly where Soli saw an acquaintance of her brother and her lab partner. Hobble went off with the third member a Rycaa gnome who knows his father.  Quinn and Menesis went to his lab and got it up to OSHA code, while also discussing his new identity and what future projects they will do. Rowan and Rahmiel went to see Ryder and Ella and updated them on what they've done. Ella showed a painting of a broken throne with Moloch's crown. Group realized that Throne could be dead.
Report Date
23 Mar 2022


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