Session 43 - 28th of Mene 948 ACW Setday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 43 - 28th of Mene 948 ACW Setday

General Summary

Group met with Isabeth to have her babysit the kobolds, she told them that Azreal is her new crush having not realized that he was Rahmiel's twin brother. Went to the Citadel Apothocary owned by Reaghan Elendiir and grabbed potions of water breathing. On their way there Soli convinced one of the Tyro's following them, Mara to join them on the sea. Mara helped her pay for a +1 shield, the night before they left Quinn overhead Esme speaking with Wolf aka Amelia Drake. According to them, the group was being placed under watch again, they knew nothing about Soli, and they worried the group was up to things they shouldn't be. In the morning they went to the docks and noticed members of the S.A.N.D unit following them, one went undercover as a member of the ship's crew while the others disappeared under the ship. In the night Mara went missing without anyone seeing it happen. The group interrogated the undercover crewmen after noticing signs of a struggle in Soli and Mara's room. He played that he knew nothing about the situation, and used thieves cant to tell Rahmiel "Stop looking, it's none of your business." They spoke telepathically for a moment where again the crewman said that anything that may or may not have happened to Mara was not his responsibility. Rahmiel then stabbed him in the head killing the man instantly.    
Report Date
16 Feb 2022


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