Session 32 - 30th of Falonde 948 ACW Secday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 32 - 30th of Falonde 948 ACW Secday

General Summary

Hexan was turned into a barrel full of weed and Adam and Fryer took a handful from the barrel from around the appendix area. The two were then transported to a forest where they met Yunus and agreed to get the Astral Codex for him. Inside they hung out with Taga's roommates till she got back and once she did they all got high together and talked about her problems with her brother.  Yunus was then let in and got high with the group and they were able to get the siblings to bury the hatchet and Yunus sent the pair back to the dungeon before using the codex.
Report Date
14 Aug 2021


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