Session 3 - April 12 2020 Report - 21st of Ellolis Secday 947 ACW in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 3 - April 12 2020 Report - 21st of Ellolis Secday 947 ACW

General Summary

Having successfully taken out a wizard in the south of Rycrioun the unnamed trio of Adam, Hexan, Marrry gets back to the capital of Rycrioun; The Exalted city of Rycaa. After speaking with the half-orc Mor, they are directed to first speak with Mission Commander Azel Dragonsfire and then take the panther cub they took from the wizard to the local vet to get it checked out. In the office of Azel, they see a disheveled human man, who looks like he’s had a few rough nights in a row sitting across from the dwarf commander. They give a brief report to Azel who informs them that they have the day to recoup and resupply but they should return to him for their next mission as the Collectors had been inundated with new mission requests. He then introduces the human Fryer Carligain as the newest member of their team, they can easily see the man has a holy symbol of the goddess Ioun around his neck and most likely a cleric.
They leave the campus of the council and head a few blocks west to the Wine Veterinary clinic, where they meet the old gnomish woman Gunavier Wine. She looks over the panther cub and informs the group that she’s in good health and had been well taken care of; she registers the name Babou for the cub and tells the group it’ll cost 68 sp a month to feed the creature. From there the group splits, with Fryer Carligain heading to the bar and the other three heading to the armory and then apothecary. At the Drunken Hunter Carligain meets up with a bartender who knows him well, Krea Raffolk. He surveys the bar for anyone interesting but given it was only around ten in the morning the room is fairly empty with only those who frequent the bar as much as the Fryer. With not much going on and Krea seeming upset with him for actions taken the night before Carligain pays up his copper and makes his way out towards the great library. Just north of the campus Adam, Hexan, and Marry head over to Dragonsfire armory. There they inquire about half-plate armor for Hexan and barding for Babou. The cost is estimated to be 600 gp for the half plate and 200 gp for the barding. From there the trio head over to the Cornwallis Apothecary, and upon entering see two teenage boys a chubbier one and a gangly one. The list the prices for the health potions regular potions are 35 gp, greater 150 gp, and superior 1,500 gp. Thanks to Hexan’s intimidating demeanor he is able to get two regular and two greater healing potions for free, with it seeming that the two teens believing Marrry to be the next leader of Rycrioun.
The three leave the apothecary and run into Carligain from there they pass out the potions, with Hexan and Marrry taking the regular and Adam and Carligain taking the greaters. The go back to Azel’s office to get a rundown of possible missions and decide upon one in the north of the country involving the murder of dwarfs. When they turn in for the night, the Fryer heads back to the bar while Adam is approached by his former team leader Captain Charlie Aelwic. Charlie informs Adam that they still haven’t found any leads on the murder of the former Voice and have decided to bring Adam into the S.A.N.D unit, with the understanding that he would continue working with his new teammates while getting closer to those in the city of Rycaa and hopefully uncover the perpetrator. He also tells Adam that should he need to get a hold of Charlie or anyone else in the unit to put a potted plant in his window. The next morning the group heads out on the north road, they spend two days spending nights at small inns in the farming and fishing villages between Rycaa and Beltin. Once in the city of Beltin Adam meets with a S.A.N.D unit member Thelron and gets his mask and code name going by Shrew. Hexan and Marrry speak with a city guard learning that six dwarfs were killed (Hexan “Oh, that’s not that many.”) two wagons ransacked, and feathers found in the area. The best guess of most who have heard about the case is that either highwaymen or poachers from east of the scar were the perpetrators. The Fryer while bar hoping finds much of the same information, ending his day with the sailors at the Sapphire Tavern on the docks. Adam then goes to see Cedrick, ending his night with a home-cooked meal and his oldest friend.  

Rewards Granted

No rewards were given.  

Missions/Quests Completed

Investigate the murder of six dwarfs found just outside of the town of Sakana in the north.  

Character(s) interacted with

Drake and Josh Cornwallis Thari Dragonsfire Fredrick Crewe - Library attendant  

Created Content

Dragonsfire Armory - two blocks north from the main The Council of Advancement and Awareness campus, owned by Azel Dragonsfire younger brother. Cornwallis Apothecary - one block east of the campus, owned by the Cornwallis family, discounted potions


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