Session 16 - 1st of Thellonde Mornday 948 ACW Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 16 - 1st of Thellonde Mornday 948 ACW

General Summary

On the first of Thellonde in the new year of 948, the trio of heroes known to The Council as Team 3 made their way out of the city of Farradin after Adam had a somewhat stressful morning having seen the ghostly specter get closer to him once more. They gathered horses and rations and continued their way north to the capital. Their first day on the road was a little rough, leading to them making it to the small town of Orrinshire fairly late in the evening. On the second day, the group was able to make up a bit of time, and by the early evening just as they were about to find a place to make camp the group was met with an ambush.   
The man told the group that if they gave him the Celestial Book of Ossin that he would let them go free without any harm, the group got ready to fight as the man continued to berate them. During the fight, Adam made his way into the forest bringing a cultist with him while the Fryer took on the other and Hexan stayed close to the unnamed sorcerer, knowing that if the man got the chance to he would attack them all with a powerful spell. The fight was hard and Hexan nearly lost his life in the end, but the three of them were able to take out the rest of the cultist and nearly kill the sorcerer. The trio felt it was best to not linger and quickly gathered themselves and got back on the road.

Rewards Granted

800 silver pieces  80 gold pieces  5 gems each worth 100 gold pieces
Report Date
08 Nov 2020


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