Session 120 - Arcane Ocean Day 1 Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 120 - Arcane Ocean Day 1

General Summary

After walking through the door group took a bit to talk things out while Wesley drew a new doorway per Rowan's request. Soli was hesitant to say why she called in the Harbinger and the group told her that she at least owed Amelia an explanation. The bloody horrors attacked and the group was able to fight them off, Milena appeared in the blood to talk to Soli. As she explained what she had done Quinn went to hide off in case she set off the ire of the goddess. Both Rowan and Wesley tried to use divine intervention to get rid of Milena, with Wesley being successful. With Melena taken care of, Soli's new familiar Viridian appeared much to the horror of the rest of the group. As they made their way through the door Quinn sent a call to Sophia and found out that the Arcane Ocean was supposed to be off-limits. Once in Aaru's domain Rowan asked for aid and they agreed, allowing the group to rest in their space. Before they slept Soli asked Aaru for advice before talking with Amelia, telling her she planned on having the Harbinger's baby when she called him in but realized how crazy that idea was. Amelia told her that she wants all good things for Soli but isn't sure that she's the right person for her and promised they would figure it out once all was said and done. Soli then gave Viri a backpack with a ring in it to hold onto just incase and Wesley offered to give Rowan a proper introduction to his organization if she wanted. Rowan accepted. After Aaru woke the group they led them to the Harbinger's portrait giving them the low down on the dangers they could face. Reached the button room, argued about what to do until Wesley pushed the button.
Report Date
16 Aug 2023


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