Session 118 - 15th of Camriel 948 ACW Mornday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 118 - 15th of Camriel 948 ACW Mornday

General Summary

Group finished up their rest and in the morning got on the road after discussing the lack of magic. The day was spent making jokes, being sassy toward Wesley, and discussing baby names. By midday, Quinn was able to put a name to the event and the group decided that should things still be bad in the morning that they should just wait it out. Once they made camp for the night Soli worked to convince Amelia to have a baby now, and with Wesley noting he'd be able to help. Meanwhile Quinn had difficulty setting up his tent and Hobble settled in with a book. Wesley agreed to help Soli but told her that she would have to wait so he could get the supplies he needed from his coat once magic came back. Soli not wanting to wait called upon both Melora and Erathis and after not getting anything back she took the shadow box and called upon Milena to aid her. As the rest of the party rushed up, Soli gave the goddess her longevity. Stating that she would die when Amelia died, whether it be from old age or battle or something in between. As the group caught up and learned what happened, the boys left as it was not their problem and Amelia and Soli got into a fight. Back at camp the boys fixed Quinn's tent and tried to console Amelia, and Soli overheard her say that what she did was a form of torture. Soli then took the flower and got in contact with the Harbinger through a strange twist in magic, but was unable to do more as Erathis would not allow it, and was angry with Soli for calling on a new god. She then pulled out the box again, Wesley was the only one to go after her again. Soli offered her heart to Milena in return for the Harbinger to appear in front of her.
Report Date
02 Aug 2023


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