Session 110 - 30th of Horros 948 ACW Mornday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 110 - 30th of Horros 948 ACW Mornday

General Summary

Soli joined up with the rest of the group after hitting up Ryder for info, and Sha for a ride via Vakul. Once at the bar Soli joined Rowan's table, Quinn explained to the demi gods what/who the Harbinger and Aoideh were, and Hoble continued to be happy. Soli took a moment to pull Yunus aside and asked him about Mensis, he told her about the The Tomb of Valdis. He agreed to put in a good word with Melora for her if she mentioned him to Menesis. Soli then pulled the group together and they discussed the tomb with Vakul. Group went to bed and got pulled into the dream gallery, where Hobble conjured a hammer, Quinn a gun, and Soli a smaller Soli. Once they reached Aaru they agreed to the job and got the offered items from the being. They then made their way to the train and met the first passenger who Rowan immediately called the woman sus, Soli was able to wake her up and they went through the rest of the train. Once they found their way back to the beginning they decided to sit and wait to get to the destination. Quinn then saw the eye that Soli saw and then cast sleep on one of the walkers who then turned into a horror.
Report Date
31 May 2023


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