Session 109 - 30th of Horros 948 ACW Setday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 109 - 30th of Horros 948 ACW Setday

General Summary

Group went through the rest of Menesis' things, and found the head of the spear of reality under his bed with charges missing. Took the spear back to Ryder where Hobble told everyone who was not not-mom to leave while also putting in a coffee order. Ryder told them that the spearhead was used to cast plane shift twice and wish at least once before taking the spear back to the vault. As they left the office Quinn got a call from Sophia to meet up at the The Bar at the End of Time, he invited Rowan and Hobble to join and ran off to get ready with Rowan telling him to make sure he shaved up to the thigh. Quinn stopped off at the local Raven Queen temple to get his masked checked out and then grabbed some flowers. Once at the bar Hobble had Yunus grab Clair for him who was angry at him for leaving her behind as the dragon did come back and they had to defend the ship on their own. Quinn winged manned by destroying his flowers and having the petals rained down on the couple. Rowan spent her time with Verenestra, Frost, and Evangeline informing them of what happened to Moloch and that they promised to keep how his destruction came about a secret.
Report Date
24 May 2023


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