Session 108 - 29th of Horros 948 ACW Setday Report in Ossin | World Anvil
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Session 108 - 29th of Horros 948 ACW Setday

General Summary

Party went up to the upper office after telling Ryder where the woman went, once there they discussed what their fates might be with Rowan spiraling entirely and the rest of the party tried to pep her up. Once Ryder joined she laid down the law and Quinn broke his nearly month-long sobriety by pulling out his beer backpack. The group then went their own ways with Rowan staying behind to potato. Soli returned to her room and got settled in for the night and Amelia joined her, the pair discussed Soli's new eye and the group's firing which Soli noted could mean she would have to move elsewhere and that she'd like for Amelie's "exceptional muffin to join" her. Back in the lab, Quinn now fairly intoxicated took to a corner to sleep as Stien suggested he not interact with anything in his current state. Meanwhile, Hobble made his way around the city and collected an apology bouquet of stolen tools for Quinn, dropping them off along with Quinn's payment. He then made his way over to Rowan and dropped off her payment and offered to give her Soli's share as well. In the morning they made their to Menesis' house, once inside they noted magic coming from his office and found the trap door. Hobbel tricked Soli into nearly opening up the door but stopped her before they could be blown up, Quinn then dispelled the door and Soli jumped in causing the Undualtor to appear. Quick fight and Quinn came out of hiding and killed the tadpole before it could do some nonsense.
Report Date
17 May 2023


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